Complaints and Compliments summary

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As a Practice we welcome patient feedback as an opportunity to improve the way we work and provide our services and celebrate the occasions where we have done things really well. Thank you to all those patients that take the time to complete our Friends and Family Tests when asked and to those who share their feedback more directly. 

We regularly analyse feedback we are given and consider what we could do to learn and improve our services. 

Since April 2023, over half of the complaints received related to access to GP services, whether this be about the appointments system in general, lack of available appointments including face-to-face and getting through on the telephone or via PATCHS. 

In response to this we are working on the following: 

  • In response to telephony wait times:
    • We are looking at moving to a new telephony provider who is able to provide an upgraded Cloud-Based Telephony system, working with West Yorkshire ICB Calderdale we hope this will be in place before March 2024
    • We have recruited additional reception staff, improved our induction and training processes so our staff are better equipped to support patient’s needs 
  • In response to the appointment system:
    • We monitor and review our provision regularly and are working on an improved system which we hope will improve our patients’ experience with us. We will communicate any changes once we have confirmed these and they are live. 
    • We have recruited additional clinical staff through our work with the Primary Care Network and we will have 2 new GPs joining us in January 2024. 
    • We have improved access through PATCHS so this is open for clinical requests throughout the day, in the same way as calling or walking to the front desk. 

The next main issue related to prescriptions and errors being made. Recognising some knowledge gaps within our reception and admin colleagues, we delivered a training session earlier this year led by one of our Senior Clinical Pharmacists to reception and admin staff, focusing on how we process these at reception aiming to reduce delays and errors and improving the experience for patients. 

The 3rd main issue from our complaints analysis is patients unhappy with their consultation. These are reviewed by one of our GP Partners, feedback has been shared with the relevant clinicians focusing on lessons learnt and improvements that can be made.

During this time we have been receiving compliments from our patients which we are very grateful for. 

Compliments for reception include thanking us for taking time to explain our current appointment system, acting with patience and kindness and being helpful and friendly. 

Comments for our clinicians include ‘acting with kindness and understanding’, ‘being caring and compassionate’ and ‘helpful and empathetic’. 

Thank you for all the feedback we receive, we use this in a positive way to try and improve our services and to continue the things we’re doing well.