Practice Merger Notice

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Dear patients,

We are writing to tell you that Spring Hall Group Practice and Rosegarth Surgery would like to merge to form one practice. 

What is a merger?

A merger would mean that the GPs at Spring Hall Group Practice (Spring Hall Medical Centre, Queens Road Surgery and Southowram Surgery) and Rosegarth Surgery (including the additional branch surgery at Siddal) would work together and share some of the same staff and the same buildings.

Why do we think we need to merge?

We believe that a merger would improve services for both patients and staff.  It would mean that GPs and staff at Spring Hall Group Practice and Rosegarth Surgery (including the additional branch surgery at Siddal) could all work together to offer improved access and choice for patients.

All existing sites will remain open, with no changes to appointments and services provided, or the opening hours at any of the five sites.

These practices already work together, as part of Central Halifax Primary Care Network, to provide some health services and appointments during weekday evenings until 8.00pm, and from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays. This would not change.

What does this mean for patients?

Patients do not need to do anything and will still be able to access GP services as they do now.

What would this mean for practice staff?

Doctors and other clinicians such as nurses, health care assistants, and our non-clinical teams could work across all sites to support patient care.

When will this happen?

We hope to merge the practices by 31 March 2023.

Before a decision is made, we want to know what patients of both practices think of the proposal to merge. We will also be answering any questions patients or others have.

How can I have my say?

We have created a survey for patients to fill in – you can do this online at the following link

You can also pick up a paper survey at any Spring Hall Group Practice site, Rosegarth and Siddal surgeries. You can ring the practice Monday to Friday between 8.00 am and 6.30pm on 07760521587 to ask for a survey. Ring this number if you need help to answer the survey or need it in another format.

The survey will close on Monday 21 November 2022.

What if the merger doesn’t happen?

Patients will continue to receive their current level of service from their GP surgery, but we want to merge to bring improvements.

How will the practice keep people informed?

We will keep you updated on the process, and any decisions through notices in the practice and on our website.

A full list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our website, and printed copies are available at any Spring Hall Group Practice site, Rosegarth and Siddal surgeries.

If you have any questions or comments about this letter and would like to speak to someone, please ring the practice on 07760521587 and someone from the Practice will be in contact.

Scan the QR Code below to complete the survey

Practice Merger Survey QR Code